Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our Story

New York City based photographer, Mara Kristula-Green, grew up in Tokyo, Japan for 18 years. After viewing photographs, videos, and articles addressing the earthquakes and tsunami that struck Japan on March 11th, Mara knew the country both she and her friends and family call home needed immediate and long term relief. After speaking with high school classmates in Japan who founded My Japan Earthquake, Mara saw an opportunity to raise funds and awareness through the photographic community in the United States. With the help of photographer Kaz Senju and curator Lisa Gonzalez, Red Dot Relief was formed.

Red Dot Relief will be holding an online photographic print sale with all proceeds given to organizations that can best provide support to the affected areas. We are looking for emerging and established photographers willing to donate photographs for the print sale. More information is soon to come.

ニューヨーク在住の写真家、Mara Kristula-Green は生後3ヶ月で東京

れた。My Japan Earthquake という活動を始めた日本に在住する高校の
る決心をした。写真家、Kaz Senjuと学芸員、Lisa Gonzalez の助けの元
Red Dot Reliefは設立された。

Red Dot Reliefはインターネットを通して写真を販売し、全ての収益を信
用出来る援助団体に送る仕組みとなっている。現時点、Red Dot Relief は

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